
For Investors

For investors, we source, diligence, and then syndicate investment opportunities for members of the Network to invest in pre-seed and seed-stage startups founded by entrepreneurs who are aligned with advancing a free and prosperous future. We support investors at two levels.

Level 1: There are no dues or minimum investment required to become a member of the network. You simply have to be an Accredited Investor who is committed to advancing a free and prosperous future.

Level 2: Members of the Liberty Ventures Leadership Circle get preferred rates on carry, opportunities to meet with founders, and connections with other investors to learn from and co-invest with.

For Founders

Join a network of values-aligned founders who believe in a free and prosperous future and are leading highly scalable businesses. We help in three ways:

Step 1: If you’re not raising money, you can join the network to access the network, resource, and opportunities to grow.

Step 2: If you are raising money, we share all opportunities with our investors by filling out the form below.

Step 3: We invite a limited number of startups raising money to join a monthly pitch call with our investors.

Liberty Ventures’ Syndicate Portfolio Includes

  • Love.Life

  • Open AI

  • SpaceX

  • Notably

  • Figure

  • Anthropic

  • Commenda

  • B Generous

  • Space Perspective

  • Levels

Investors get access to:

A curated list of the top opportunities Liberty Ventures sees.

Invitations to special events to connect with other Liberty Ventures investors and founders.

Invitations to Monthly Pitch Calls where we invite founders we are considering investing in to present and answer questions.

The full list of Liberty Ventures Dealflow

Additional Resources for Entrepreneurs

To help you get going now.

  • Principled Business Accelerator

    Join a cohort of like-valued entrepreneurs to hear from speakers and receive mentorship from successful entrepreneurs. Learn more here.

  • Free Resources for Impact Entrepreneurs

    David Teten has compiled a great list of sources of money for start-ups in the impact space. Check it out here.

  • Y Combinator Startup School

    Startup School is a free online course on how to start a startup. You can learn the same things that Y Combinator participants do for free. Learn more here.

  • Lessons from the Liberty Ventures Community

    Get advice from other successful entrepreneurs, executives, and investors in the Liberty Ventures ecosystem.