Our Values

Who are we?

To put it simply: conscious capitalists.

We know that there are different interpretations of what that means,
so we want to be clear about what it means and how we apply this at
Liberty Ventures, along with additional readings that explain or illustrate
what we seek to promote. For us, this includes:

  1. Pro-Capitalism

  2. Value Creation

  3. Driven by Purpose

  4. Making Money is Good

  5. Bottom Up Values

1. Pro-Capitalism

We want to work with and support capitalists who support capitalism.

2. Create Value

Business is a positive sum game that should continuously create value for everyone.

3. Driven by Purpose

Businesses and leaders should have a higher purpose that guides them.

4. Making Money is Good

Profit is great and business should make as much money as possible. The key is to make money from value creation rather than take money from others.

5. Bottom Up Values

We don’t take a top-down approach, dictating what companies should do. Rather, we work with leaders who prioritize values aligned with liberty and support them in figuring out how to make the world freer and more prosperous.